google-site-verification=2uXaM2BVrTJ0jlZ3JmIPwb8vu26mWVQOJbD_vkr_RLA Polar Lights | McGovern's Models
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In 2010, Polar Lights was planning to reissue the Hunchback of Notre Dame, which was originally an Aurora kit.  But there was a hitch: the company didn't have a built up Hunchback to photograph for the box art, advertisements, and so on.  So they contacted Steve "CultTVman" Iverson, whose web site boasts an enormous photo gallery of models of all types.  I had posted photos of my work on Steve's site and was fortunate enough to have my Hunchback chosen by Polar Lights to be photographed.  This led to my being contracted to build test shots of models manufactured by Polar Lights and MPC, which are both under the Round 2 umbrella. 

The Beatles

Round 2/MPC Monsters

Round 2/MPC Super Heroes

Round 2/Polar Lights Figures

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