In 2010, Polar Lights was planning to reissue the Hunchback of Notre Dame, which was originally an Aurora kit. But there was a hitch: the company didn't have a built up Hunchback to photograph for the box art, advertisements, and so on. So they contacted Steve "CultTVman" Iverson, whose web site boasts an enormous photo gallery of models of all types. I had posted photos of my work on Steve's site and was fortunate enough to have my Hunchback chosen by Polar Lights to be photographed. This led to my being contracted to build test shots of models manufactured by Polar Lights and MPC, which are both under the Round 2 umbrella.
The Beatles
![]() JohnThis and the other photos of the Beatles with the white backgrounds were generously provided by Mr. James Hood, of Round 2. | ![]() PaulThis photo courtesy of Round 2. | ![]() Paul with DisguiseSince I had the test shots at hand, I assembled the upper bodies of the figures. The shoulders were trimmed away and the cuts blanked off with pieces of 0.20" sheet styrene. These were then glued to the pillars with liquid cement and became the displays for the alternate heads. |
![]() Paul in Disguise, RightFinishing the Beatles was almost like painting "desktop" car models. The paint had to applied smoothly for the proper cartoon appearance. That's difficult to do with a brush, which was required for the smaller areas. | ![]() Paul in Disguise, LeftThe body of the drum doesn't appear in YELLOW SUBMARINE, so I simply sprayed it with some Rustoleum paint I had handy. The Sgt. Pepper graphic on the front of the drum took an entire night to paint. | ![]() Paul, Full FigureI avoided using black outlines except around the figures' eyes, Paul's cuffs, places like that. Glossy surfaces were represented with squiggly white lines in the cartoon, but for the three dimensional models I opted for a shiny overcoat. |
![]() GeorgeThis photo courtesy of Round 2. | ![]() RingoThis photo courtesy of Round 2. | ![]() Ringo in Disguise, FullWhen Polar Lights reissued these kits, they had some old buildups for me to upgrade. The heads were missing, so I had to build them from test shots of the models. |
![]() Ringo in Disguise, RightI had to come up with little display bases so both versions of the heads could be displayed at the same time. I cut the pillars from a plastic wedding cake topper, thinking they would make classy-looking displays. But the pillars wound up looking more like upside-down flashlights. | ![]() Ringo in Disguise, LeftI borrowed a copy of YELLOW SUBMARINE (1968) from the local library and made screen caps of all the Beatles, with and without their disguises. That ensured that the colors with which I painted the models were as accurate to the movie as Testors and I could make them. | ![]() Ringo in Disguise, Another AngleI found that the pegs which attached the heads to the holes in the bodies were tight enough to require no extra effort to keep them securely in position. |
Round 2/MPC Monsters
Round 2/MPC Super Heroes
Round 2/Polar Lights Figures